Most Expensive iPhone!

– This is a strong gold Playstation 5. And this is a $100 million robotic. – That'' s so expensive.- And this is a flying auto. We ' re gon na be reacting to the most pricey innovation on Earth. So we'' re gon na begin things off with this $10,000 Gucci Xbox. – So delay. That'' s$ 10,000.
and there'' s no distinction between a normal Xbox. – Well, you'' re paying nine.
and a half grand for the box. – Usually you toss package away when you get like a brand-new console. If someone throws this box away, they'' re gon na be like “, “Mom, no. Why would certainly you toss it away?”” – Can you visualize.
welcoming your buddies over for a slumber event and someone just brings.
their Xbox in a Gucci box? If you simply include an additional $4,000 you could obtain this.
personalized made Ironman fit. – Wow, that appears like motion picture high quality. That looks way far better than it costs. I recognize it sets you back a whole lot, yet.
still that looks truly good. I was anticipating this to be.
a lot more in such $20,000 rate. – Does it work? Yeah, I think it'' s just for aesthetic appeals. – Oh. You believe it'' s for what?- Yeah, however he can'' t

fly. -Well,'duh. He can ' t fly. Yet look at that.
– Well, I suggest, if I ' m. paying 14 grand, I wan na fly.
– Okay. Perhaps it is a. little too costly, yet I just wan na be Ironman, all right?- I suggest you can. Up next is a strong gold PlayStation 5. Only 17 and a half grand. – Oh my God. Why would certainly you grab it with.
your grummy cheeto fingers. – It features 2 gold controllers. – Oh. The gold controllers are amazing. – Wait, interactive swimming pool table? – Wait, exactly how much was this? – I don'' t understand, however if
any person. I enjoy is seeing this, purchase me this pool table.

– I like you, however I.
possibly can'' t manage this. – Oh my God.- What? You can improve at pool. It ' s doing the mathematics for you. – That'' s so great.- We got ta obtain this. Like why have a typical pool.
table if you can have this? – I wear'' t also have a swimming pool table. I put on ' t even have a pool. Wait, so this is a$ 27,000 R2-D2. – I want it. -I want it too. Why put on ' t we have all these things? -'I ' m beginning to assume maybe we stop doing the giving away point. – And we begin doing the buy-buy point. – Yeah.
– The gathering thing? – Yeah. That would certainly make us horrible. We would never ever do that. – Oh, it'' s a golden Mac.
Why does a gold Mac cost. two times a golden PlayStation?- I prefer to have

the. golden PlayStation to be truthful.- Things is, if you have a gold Mac, you ' re gon na obtain burglarized in a Starbucks.
Evidently this is the. most extreme VR configuration. I ' ll be the court of that. – Consider it. The hood.
makes it extreme enough. – That is outstanding. – Oh, I desire that. – I do as well. Is this offered to get or? – Right here'' s things – – Yo,'respond to the inquiry. -I put on ' t recognize. What about the net?'- Oh, I ' m gon na go appearance. – Okay, go look. – LumiLor automobile paint. – Simply the paint. – Wait.- It'illuminate.- So there ' s repaint that can alter shades?- Yeah, it utilizes bioluminescence, I believe.
– Wait, so why doesn ' t. every abundant person have this on their auto? – If it can just do that pattern? – I imply-. – For 50 grand though?- I mean.
“- Okay, okay. -” Oh my gosh.

– Yeah. It appears like a. “Initial D” anime car.It makes it resemble a-'- You wan na know what ' s not overpriced? This robot pet.- Yo.- Due to the fact that it doesn'' t expense $10 million, which is what it should. – Robotics can be charming. I wait it. – Aw.
– Aw. The dog is frightened of the robot. And appearance, the robotic'' s. like, please enjoy me. – I am you. – I wish to feel love. What is love? – You'' re actually obtaining. right into this one, male. – I like this. – I can inform. – Boston Dynamics, just send me one. – He recognizes how to climb up stairs, how to stay clear of walls.

– Helpful for it. – It'' s gon na murder the mankind. This right below is a normal apple iphone and this is a $100,000 golden phone. – No. I didn'' t get that. for a Xmas present. – I need to recognize why is it so pricey? Nobody informed me. – Ruby, custom-made made watch. Why would you require a watch on a phone- – When you can simply turn it on? – You essentially just turn it over. – Is that a watch in the back? – Yeah, it is a watch. So this is 150 Grand Tron bike. – Oh.
– I require to see that at nighttime. – I would certainly be frightened. – Yeah, if you got a wreckage,.
that resembles you done. – You'' re like currently laying and so like if you got quit unexpectedly, you just- but it looks so great. – Wow. It does look efficient night.Well, if you

assumed that was amazing, below'' s$ 190,000 battle robot. One factor however, how the.
hell is this 190 grand? I require a person to reality inspect these costs. That resembles it costs like $20,000,000. No shot that is 190 grand. – They got ta allow us use this. Just let me use it just when. – 250K Superzoom camera lens. Terris simply appears. He'' s like, “what'' d you” state?” -He claimed, “just how much was that cam?”” – Electronic camera? I wan na see it. All right, zoom- – Wow.
– Oh wait, that'' s the camera. Oh. Wait, allow ' s see this. Oh my gosh. It'' s still going.'It'' s still going. It ' s still going. Wait. Can you in fact see the people? No method.- You can see them rather clearly. That'' s crazy. -Wait, so it went from this to that. Guy, I'' m gon na go buy this
. so I can snoop on people. Now that I recognize this technology exists, I'' m always gon na be paranoid.Someone could be enjoying us today.- Traveling cars and truck.- Oh snap. Actually? You can just fly anywhere.- I question if you need to. have a chauffeur'' s permit and a pilot ' s license. – Which is the plane and which is the vehicle? – Wait, can you obtain drawn.
over by the sky police wagon? – Yo, what if you'' re getting chased after by the cops and you simply remove and afterwards they have to start.
following you with a helicopter.

– However after that you land and they'' re like, “Crap, we got ta obtain automobiles once again. We can'' t stay on top of this man.”” See, that seems a little unsafe. He appears like he understands.
what he is doing, probably. – He seems calm. – The landing would certainly make me super worried. It appears like it'' d be really easy. It just folds up.
– It simply folds up in? – Just how much was it? – 350 grand. – I indicate, this is what I'' m claiming. You might purchase a Lamborghini and like, yeah, it'' s trendy or whatever.

– Or you might purchase a flying cars and truck. – Or you could fly to.
anywhere you want in your automobile. – Yeah? Well this following point'' s 560 grand. – What is it?- I don ' t understand. It'said iPod something.'It ' s not an iPod. -No, it ' s like a tube. – What am I looking at?- Wait, he ' s obtained an iPad?'- I wear ' t understand. – It ' s a gigantic speaker. A dot.- A fifty percent a million buck speaker?- Yeah, for your iPad. -I ' m missing this one. $ 680,000 hover bike. -I can see myself cruising.
the roads in that.

– I'' m not gon na enable you. – Please.
– You would certainly pass away. I require you. What, you think I can be amusing on my own? – No. God no. – 3D printer for watercrafts. – Oh, this is so awesome. This is where like 3D.
printing ends up being sensible. – 3D printing. – Okay, I invested a great deal of time around my household these vacations. – My household. – You recognize what? I'' m going home. I don ' t also
wan na see them. complete this truly great boat. And look at '' em, Jimmy. They ' re drifting in it.- Wait, are they putting on life vests because small little swimming pool? – They'' re all simply standing there.No one is smiling.

– A lot of pricey projector in the– Oh?- Refik Anadol surreal installment. -I desire it.- Can I watch anime on this? – I believe you need to view. something especially produced it, right? That ' s obtained ta be a wild– Oh my gosh. I ' m seeing anime on it. I'put on ' t treatment. So we'' ll start a fundraising event and make use of the money to get me this. Put me in this futuristic Lamborghini cuz apparently it'' s$ 4,000,000. I ' m gon na be straightforward. I think the Aventador looks nicer — Uh-uh. -and it costs way much less. – I like this far better. – No, that doesn'' t look cool.
– It looks like a “Celebrity. Wars” like, vessel racer, like– People, below ' s this and after that'here ' s the Lamborghini Aventador that is like one 7th the expense. I'' m acquiring the Aventador. – This is so amazing. – $54,000,000 SpaceX Starship. Actually? It'' s only 54 million? – Oh, that'' s like pocket adjustment. – No, I imply that'' s actually. really inexpensive compared to what I assumed.

– Is this the one that crashes? – I assume they'' ve all collapsed. – Hey, you obtained ta fail.
before you can be successful. Oh, that doesn'' t look like. it ' s going all the means. The video camera ' s like, this. is where it should be. And after that he resembles, wait a'minute. -Why does it look like it ' s going slow-moving and also quickly at the exact same time. – All right, allow'' s see it'. Does it go boop.- Oh it ' s got it. -It actually landed? – This was the one that actually did it. -Truly? Wow. Good'work, Elon. Robotic arm prosthetic. That ' s really quite awesome. Can he regulate it?- Yeah.
It appears like,.'I wonder if it'' s nerves or if it ' s muscle mass. It looks like those sensors could be like cuz when you relocate your. arm, your entire arm, the muscle mass move.So it resembles they may be. reading his muscle activity.- Wow.- That ' s so awesome.
– So this is supposedly$ 200,000,000. She ' s extremely costly. Nah', method also reasonable.- I ' ve seen this robot. previously, yet I didn ' t recognize– I didn'' t recognize her name. or anything regarding her.
I ' ve just, I'' ve seen her. – She reached fulfill Will Smith. – I'' ve never satisfied Will. – I need to look great for my fans. – Yes, you do. And you have a lot of fans. – That was so dry. – That was- – Robots simply can'' t do wit. – You recognize what? That destroyed the video clip. Goodbye. – Bye.

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